Reception Branding: Enhance the Visitor Experience

What is the one thing that makes your business stand apart from the rest? It is your brand value. And, how do you establish this brand value in the minds of your clients and associates? The first and foremost way to do so is to give them the ultimate experience right from the time they reach your office; sometimes even before!

How to make an unforgettable impression on your visitors?

People make their first impression within seconds of walking in through the front door. So, it all needs to begin right at your doorstep. The way organizations greet visitor registration systems, whether they are star job candidates, vendors, important clients, prospective partners or even foreign delegates, speaks a lot about the organisation and its culture and The experience in your reception will likely form a large part of your visitors’ first impression. For this reason, branding is a powerful tool to use to communicate your company image


The significance of branding runs through both the inner and outer appearance of your company. It’s related to the experience that your visitors have when they interact with you. Your brand reputation is determined by everything you do and how you do everything, so it’s important to ensure a smooth flowing brand experience. Remember – Your entire branding efforts combine together to create a persona of your brand in the eyes of your visitor registration systems and/or customers alike. A good experience will associate positive emotions with the company and will facilitate the start of a connection and relationship between the visitor and the company.


To ensure your visitor management solutions have a great first impression in your reception, you should adopt processes that can enhance the visitor experience. Visitor management solutions are a great aid to a company’s professional image via custom branding and because they offer a modern approach. Signing an old visitor book as opposed to a sleek iPad is far more engaging to a new visitor! The action of signing in using a visitor management system is both welcoming and efficient. It creates a strong and professional experience that visitors appreciate and remember whilst reinforcing your company image. This all ties in and plays a part in enhancing your overall brand value.

People are the most memorable part of the visitor experience

Once you have set your stage and you’re telling the story you want to tell, populate it with the right actors. Front desk staff should be mindful of the role they play in creating a positive visitor management solutions for Friendly faces, helpful personalities, and a real interest in people are the most vital traits your staff should possess.

Tie the visitor experience to the brand

All good theatre tells a story, and the tale your company should promote is your brand. Workplace management software company Office Space reminds its clients: “Since the reception area will often be (visitors’) first real-world interaction with your brand, it’ll play a significant role in the overall image that you create.” The company recommends infusing the brand into the visitor experience—decorating with corporate colors, playing company videos on overhead screens, putting the logo front and center, and dropping not-so-subtle hints about your core values everywhere you can
