Tips for the Working Mom Having Breastmilk Issues
Planning in Advance
Certainly, you can’t predict the future. However, you can get a general idea of what will or won’t work. If you use a map before you start a trip, you’ll have an idea where the road is going, even if you can’t tell where there might be a car wreck, a deer that wants to jump out in front of you, or road construction. That’s an apt analogy to motherhood.
You know pregnancy, birth, joy, fear, accomplishment, disappointment, and surprise will accompany motherhood. You don’t know in what ways these things will manifest. However, you can “pack for the journey”, as it were before you “hit the road”.
While you’re pregnant, you want to start making preparations for the arrival of your child. We’ll explore tips to do that here.
1. Understand Workplace Limitations and Options

It can be hard to breastfeed while at the office, but 25%+ of today’s workforce operates remotely, and you might be able to become part of that statistic at your work if you provide management personnel notice of your coming baby with enough advance. Many businesses have maternity requirements which includes a maternity leave policy that predicates working with moms.
2. Securing Assistance From Professional Lactation Specialists
Unless you’re an expert on lactation, there’s always something you stand to learn. Maybe you’re having lactation issues because of the stress of work, even if you’ve been able to secure that vaunted “remote” position. Maybe your diet is the culprit. Perhaps your child isn’t latching right.
There are a lot of different reasons why milk production may lag, and sometimes solutions are easier than you may have expected. If you want to increase breast milk production, the link can be quite helpful.
3. Finding Groups Designed to Support Single Mothers
There are always options out there, you just have to look for them. Today many single moms are struggling to survive out there, and the vast majority of them have to work in order to make ends meet. That’s one reason many charitable organizations and government entities fund such programs. You might be able to get a grant as a single working mom.
Certainly, friends and family are also a fine support network to consider, but you’ve got to take things a little further sometimes. Also, you don’t always have the option of working with friends or family. Find support networks as it’s possible to.
Being Able to Nourish Your Newborn
Support groups can provide you with resources and time, as well as advice, toward greater breastmilk production and other issues common to the new mother. Professional lactation consultants can pinpoint the precise issue you’re dealing with, and help you know how to handle it.
Understanding occupational limitations in advance will also help you surround yourself with options when you need them. Altogether, tips like these should help you manage and increase breastmilk production. If you plan in advance, this will assist your journey on the road of motherhood.