How Toll-Free Numbers Boost Business Credibility and Customer Trust?

How Toll-Free Numbers Boost Business Credibility and Customer Trust?


Toll-free numbers offer free communication for the customers as the cost is bore by the business. Thus, it is popularly also known as a free phone number. Free communication is a great business strategy as it offers convenience, and flexibility and also opens up the business for more engagements. Communication, credibility and customer trust are the three major Cs that any business needs to pay attention to. Toll-free numbers aim to strengthen the three Cs and support a business in all possible ways. 

Toll-free solutions are customer centered communication platforms that are used by government as well as private businesses. The numbers start with a fix digit code that also denotes the geographical location. Toll-free numbers challenge all barriers of communication as it allows customers to easily connect with the business without having to worry about cost and time. 

Features and benefits of toll-free numbers: 

Toll-free numbers come with multiple features that can help different businesses in different ways. Though the features are useful in multiple ways, a business can make the best use of one feature more than the other. On the other hand, combining different features together can also be beneficial. 

  1. 24×7 support: A business with toll-free number solution can provide 24×7 support to the customers. A customer can reach out to the business with assured service delivery. It enriches engagements, offers seamless communication and confirms instant response. In a competitive business world, being available for the customers is one of the simple yet biggest strategies. It helps the business to build trust and credibility among the customers. 
  2. Automated call recording and call routing: A toll-free number allows businesses to record all inbound and outbound calls. Automated recording ensures professional communication with quality service. Automated recording is beneficial for several other reasons, including:
    1. It helps the business to analyse its engagement ratio. They can study the business growth through an increase in communication rate. On the other hand, if the business gets fewer calls or the call rate decreases, the call data can help in understanding the issues. 
    2. Automated features can give insights into patterns and issues that can be used for strategy development and for campaigning. These data can also be used to train the agents for better service delivery. 
    3. The recordings can be used by a business for any emergency that can be used as evidence 

On the other hand, automated call routing helps a business to directly route all calls to the agents or experts of any department as per request of a customer. It saves time and reduces the wait times of the customers. 

  1. Integrated solutions: Toll-free numbers can be integrated with other cloud solutions like missed call numbers, IVR solutions, CRM etc. Easy integration is time- and resource-saving, and it allows a business to offer better credibility and trust to its customers. 

With IVR integration the business can allow automated response to the customers. It also offers self-service facility with the multi-level menus where the customers can choose their issues or services from. A caller listens to the IVR menu and responds by pressing the key on their phone based on which the system reacts and responds. The necessary actions help the business to save time while optimizing call management. 

Similarly, some business integrates missed call solutions with toll-free numbers to encourage more engagement and free communication. It is used very popularly by Governments and NGOs as a trafficking support number, domestic violence support number etc. 

  1. Marketing tool: With the efficient features of a toll-free number, it is often used to promote business at different levels. It can be used for voting, to conduct e-surveys, online polling etc. It is used by different industries like entertainment, education, health etc. to engage with customers but in an interesting way. By using toll-free numbers as an interesting marketing tool, a business can generate credibility and also trust. It allows the business to gain frequent and regular insights from the customers and thus use it as feedback to work on service delivery. 


Toll-free numbers are interesting in addressing customer’s concerns and also serving but indirectly. The number is like a bridge of communication that connects the customers to the business as per the needs and wants of the customers. It is simple, flexible yet dynamic. 
